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Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 (Part 2)

Dian Irawati

Softskill Part 2

Exercise 11 : Subject-Verb Agreement

6. Your glasses were on the bureau last night.
    glasses : plural subject
    were : plural verb

7. There were some people at the  meeting last night.
    (There were + plural subject)
    There were : plural
    some people : plural subject

8. The committee has already reached a decision.
    The committee : singular subject (collective nouns)
    has : singular verb

9. A pair of jeans was in the washing machine this morning.
    A pair of jeans : singular
    was : singular verb

10. Each student has answered the first three questions.
      Each:  singular
      has : singular

11. Either John or his wife makes breakfast each morning.
      (Either + noun + or + singular noun + singular verb)
      his wife : singular noun
      makes  : singular verb

12. After she had perused the material, the secretary decided that everything was in order.
      (everything + singular noun)
      was : singular

13. The  crowd at the basketball game was wild with excitement.
      The  crowd : singular (collective noun)
      was : singular verb

14. A pack of wild dogs has frightened all the ducks away.
      A pack of wild dogs : singular (collective noun)
      has : singular verb

15. The jury is trying to reach a decision.
      The jury : singular (collective noun)
      is : singular verb verb

16. The army has eliminated this section of the training test.
      The army : singular (collective noun)
      has : singular verb

17. The number of students who have withdrawn from class this quarter is appalling.
      (The number of + plural noun + singular verb)
      students : plural noun
      is : singular verb

18. There have been too many interruptions in this class.
      (There have been + plural subject)
      There have been : plural
      too many interruptions : plural subject

19. Every elementary school teacher has to take this examination.
      (Every + singular noun)
      Every : singular
      has  : singular

20. Neither Jill nor her parents have seen this movie before.
      (Neither + noun + nor + plural noun + plural verb)
      her parents : plural noun
      have : plural verb

Exercise 12 : Pronouns

6. She and John gave the money to the boy.
    She : subject pronouns (occur in the subject position of a sentence)

7. Your record is scratched and mine is too.
    Your : possessive adjective (depend on noun)
    Mine : possessive pronouns (the noun is understood from the context and isn’t repeated)

8. I hurt my leg.
    My : possessive adjective (depend on noun)

9. John bought himself a new coat.
    Himself : reflexive pronouns (the subject did the action alone) (himself = John)

10. We girls are going camping over the weekend.
      We : subject pronouns (occur in the subject position of sentence)

11. Mr. Jones cut himself shaving.
      Himself : reflexive pronouns (the subject did the action alone) (himself = Mr. Jones)

12. We like our new car very much.
      Our : possessive adjective (depend on noun)

13. The dog bit her on the leg.
      Her : complement pronouns (occur in complement position, whether a verb or peposition)

14. John himself went to the meeting.
      Himself : reflexive pronouns (the subject did the action alone) (himself = John)

15. You’ll stick yourself with the pins if you are not careful.
      Yourself : reflexive pronouns (the subject did the action alone) (yourself = you)

16. Mary and I would rather go to the movies.
      I : subject pronouns (occur in the subject position of a sentence)

17. Everyone has to do their own research.
      Their : possessive adjective (depend on noun)

18. Just between you and me, I don’t like this food.
      Me : complement pronouns (occur in complement position, whether a verb or peposition)

19. Monday is a holiday for us teacher.
      Us : complement pronouns (occur in complement position

20. Her car does not go as fast as ours.
      Her : possessive adjective (depend on noun)

      Ours : possessive pronouns (the noun is understood from the context and isn’t repeated)


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